Staying Put
It seems that all of my previous postings have been about my misadventures in traveling in Afghanistan. Since my last posting, however, I have stayed put. It has been nice creating a new routine, a new Battle rhythm. My routine consists of enjoying a cup of coffee from the local Starbucks wanna-be coffee shop every morning, going into my office, and spending the evenings talking about the things we would rather be doing.
After sleeping for several nights on my cot in my tent, I was greeted with a very welcome surprise. . . a bed with a mattress. The mattress is super soft, with no real form, but its embrace is certainly better than that of the cot. I can't even imagine what it will be like to sleep in my own bed again.
The coffee shop that I go to every morning is called "The Green Bean," and they serve the normal coffee shop fare, to include some muffins and the like. It is actually sortof funny because Thursday nights they have poetry night and on some other night they sponsor kareoke. Though I have never been the best image that I can conjure is the opening scene in "So I Married an Axe Murder."
Returning from my journey through Afghanistan, I have finally met all of the members of the staff here in Salerno. One of them is a Master Sgt who spent his early years in the Marine Corps, then joined the guard. He is now back on Active Duty and is trying to get a College degree. He mentioned that he needed help with his Pre-Algebra, so I volunteered to help him out. Little did I know just how frustrating it would be. Initially it seemed as though he was really understanding it, and getting into it. I was excited, as it seemed as though I had accomplished something in the forsaken country. My excitement quickly waned as it appeared that he could not truly maintain the knowledge that he had gained. I could only watch as my excitement turned to frustration. There are times when I can see him understanding it, but most of the time he just gets frustrated and starts spewing random mathematical terms.
The weather here is in need of some variety, though we have had some strange and short lasting strange weather. Twice in the last week, the sun gave way to clouds and those clouds produced rain, that rained morphed into hail. Large ice drops fell from the sky. . . the hail was about an inch across, and that was after it fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Other than that the days are hot and the nights give a hint of a chill.
Kindof boring, but that is all for now. I will write more soon, assuming the internet stays up and running, unlike the current situation, where it has been spotty at best.
Woman. Wo-man. Whooooooa-man.
She was a thief.
You've got to belief.
She stole my heart and my cat.
Great movie! Great scene!
Joe, thanks for writing this blog so we know how you're doing. It's great to stay in touch after so long. Keep it up!
Brad finally flew out of Manas today, and is hoping to be back home on Monday. I am a happy, happy, happy girl.
Take good care of yourself,
I just found your blog and want to say thank you ! It is really nice post thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work !
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