Monday, August 21, 2006

End of Training

We finished training and now are off to new and exciting locations trhoughout the country. I'm going to Salerno, a base along the Pakistan Border. I tried to get a flight out there last night, but all flights were Cancelled due to weather, sucks! I am number 140 on the waiting list, so I have no idea how long it will take for me to get a flight, but I'll keep checking every so often to see.

A couple of days ago Brad stopped in to see me. He was en route to Quatar for his four day, he should be back tomorrow, but who knows with these flights. He was here for almost a day and a half, so we got some good hanging out time. He is doing well for those of you that know him. For those that don't, Brad was a JO on my boat. He was my mentor, along with Tony, he endured the Ratliff years.

Tomorrow is the aniversary of my 10th year in the Navy, it is interesting to think that I have been in for ten years. I am not sure where all of the time went to, but am glad to be at the half way mark already. It sure makes the decision to stay in alot easier. Don't get me wrong I mostly enjoy my job, but there are parts that pretty much suck.

I suppose that is all until I get to Salerno. Enjoy!


Blogger Cheryl said...

Yo, Joe! ;) I'm so glad you and Brad got to hang out while he was in Bagram. That was probably the highlight of the past 5 months for him.

Please let me know if there's anything you need. We can ship stuff for free from here (MPS), so I'm happy to send whatever your heart desires, providing they have it stocked on base. And we're just a free DSN call away if you ever want someone to talk to. 315-241-2398.

Best wishes. Stay safe, keep your head down, yadda yadda.


7:25 AM  
Blogger Lindsey Roder said...

Hi Joe! Great blog! We love hearing what you are up to and glad that you arrived safely to your new duty station. I feel somewhat guilty, seeing that you traded shore duties with Tony. Thanks for being such a great friend! We miss you! While you are enjoying your stay in the desert, I am sure you'll get plenty of practice running 'neath the hot sun. Then, when you return, you will be prepared for our next race together - the Rock n Roll Half Marathon in Phoenix. It will seem like a walk in the park.

Lindsey Roder

7:31 AM  

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